As pregnancy can often bring on new physical and emotional changes, massage can be a useful therapy to support wellbeing for mother and baby. Massage is offered in the pregnancy and early post birth period.
As pregnancy can often bring on new physical and emotional changes, massage can be a useful therapy to support wellbeing for mother and baby. Massage is offered in the pregnancy and early post birth period.
To treat the body through pressure points on the feet. Individual treatments for relaxation or specific conditions can be targeted to reduce pain & swelling.
Heat applied by use of moxa sticks (rolled dried herbs) warm specific energy channels and trigger a hormonal change and increase the baby’s activity encouraging the turning of position. Research has shown that moxibustion has about a 66% success rate.
Here at Buttercup, we are proud to offer individualised care package to promote labour by using reflexology, aromatherapy and acupressure, when full term to avoid medical induction.
We highly recommended and incorporate the use of aromatherapy, reflexology and massage to offer a bespoke treatment within the first 6-week postnatal period. Treatments can be specified for individual symptoms.
After Birth (post-natal) Therapies Read More »