Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese technique to turn a breech (bottom down) baby to a head first position. Heat applied by use of moxa sticks (rolled dried herbs) warm specific energy channels and trigger a hormonal change and increase the baby’s activity encouraging the turning of position. Research has shown that moxibustion has about a 66% success rate, as successful as a medical ECV.
This treatment will incorporate a relaxation treatment, teaching of the moxibustion technique and the moxa sticks for continued treatment and can also be incorporated as a package to include birth preparation and relaxation treatments.
A full consultation is needed to ensure that moxibustion is a suitable treatment information on the treatment will be available
If required we can also provide information around ECV (medical turning of a breech baby) or Elective Caesarean section and breech vaginal birth.
Full follow up is included as required on an individual basis.
MOXIBUSTION (approx. 30-40min) £45