Birth Preparation
Here at Buttercup, we are proud to offer individualised care package to promote labour by using reflexology, aromatherapy and acupressure, when full term to avoid medical induction.
Is Antenatal Knowledge Power??
Many women choose to attend pregnancy and birth classes with either their own Midwife or with a private company. It is important that the antenatal
How Can I Prepare for Birth?
Birth preparation can look different for each individual and can change as pregnancy develops. Sometimes you may need physical support perhaps with symptoms that are
Should I take Raspberry Leaf Tea???
Raspberry leaf is a traditional herbal remedy often taken to prepare for birth. Raspberry leaf should not be used as a method of starting labour
Congratulations! And breathe…
So many emotions hit you as soon as you see that little pink line! Whether you have been waiting and planning this moment or life has totally side swiped you, these feelings are normal! Just take a moment to yourself if you need and remember you are not in this alone
The Birth-Pack Mega-list
Now Mumma, your options are much more personal. Take your time thinking about your options and try to enjoy the experience. It is also wise