Heat applied by use of moxa sticks (rolled dried herbs) warm specific energy channels and trigger a hormonal change and increase the baby’s activity encouraging the turning of position. Research has shown that moxibustion has about a 66% success rate.
After Birth (post natal) Therapies
We highly recommended and incorporate the use of aromatherapy, reflexology and massage to offer a bespoke treatment within the first 6-week postnatal period. Treatments can be specified for individual symptoms.
Birth Preparation
Here at Buttercup, we are proud to offer individualised care package to promote labour by using reflexology, aromatherapy and acupressure, when full term to avoid medical induction.
To treat the body through pressure points on the feet. Individual treatments for relaxation or specific conditions can be targeted to reduce pain & swelling.
Aromatherapy can be used very effectively in pregnancy and birth to aid common pregnancy symptoms, help your labour to start naturally, and use following your birth to ease any pain or help with breast feeding.
Target Your Pregnancy Symptoms
Many of our clients come for treatments due to pregnancy symptoms, whether it be back or pelvic pain or stress and anxiety, there is something
Gift Vouchers
We provide vouchers for any value that can be redeemed for pregnancy treatments and belly bump or 3D casting. We can email or post out
Belly Bump Casts
If you are looking for something a bit different to capture those pregnancy memories, then we have just the thing! Bump casting is the absolute
3D casting
If you enjoyed a belly bump cast then you will love the 3d casting! A treasured memory of your little one’s hands, feet or both