It is thought that up to 1 in 5 people experience pelvic pain in varying degrees. Some people find it difficult to care for younger children, carry out work duties or even simple things such as getting dressed and climbing in the bath.
Using pillows and cushions to support sleeping positions and when resting can help to avoid too much movement in your hips and legs. Your Midwife or Obstetrician can refer you to a Physiotherapist to support with practical advice and exercises to help your movement, improve your pain and pelvic muscle strength and stability.
Strengthening your body with gentle exercise may also be helpful either before or during pregnancy. Many people find exercise in water helpful as the water relieves the stress and weight from joints.
In some cases you may be advised to take pain relieving medication for pelvic pain although it is advisable to discuss this with your Midwife or Obstetrician as some medications are not suitable for pregnancy or could have negative side effects. You can also discuss with your midwife or physiotherapist if wearing a pelvic support belt may help as many women find these highly effective.
The U.K.-based group Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy (POGP) suggests that you try to avoid these activities if you’re experiencing pelvic pain:
- Putting your weight on only one leg
- Twisting and bending while lifting
- Carrying a child on your hip
- Crossing your legs
- Sitting on the floor
- Sitting in a twisted position
- Standing or sitting for long periods of time
- Lifting heavy loads, such as wet washing, shopping bags, or a toddler
- Vacuuming
- Pushing heavy objects, such as a shopping cart
- Carrying anything in only one hand